UKG Dimensions HCM
UKG Dimensions HCM
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Introduction to Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is a period when employees choose their benefit options, ensuring coverage for themselves and their families.
A job can have defined attributes or describe a specific role.
Deductions Overview
A deduction is a monetary amount subtracted from an employee’s taxable income that reduces the amount paid on a pay statement.
Earnings Overview
Earnings identify different types of employee compensation for services provided. Earnings can also include specific parameters such as accounting rules, tax laws, and reporting requirements.
General Ledger
A general ledger is a journal containing accounting transactions related to a company’s assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.
Workers' Compensation Overview
Workers’ compensation codes are used to determine workers’ comp premiums for employees.
Performance Goals
Goals are used to rate and evaluate employee performance based on the company's established objectives.
Form W-4
The Form W-4, also known as the Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, is a tax document used by employees in the United States to specify the amount of federal income tax that their employer should deduct from their paycheck.
Introduction to Life Events for Benefits
Life Event Enrollment is a special enrollment period outside of a company’s standard open enrollment period.
Pay Statement Basics
The pay statement, also known as a pay stub, includes the details of the employee’s pay for that pay period. Pay statement details help employees understand their pay and check for inaccuracies.
Employee Groups
Employee groups are used to categorize employees by common attributes.
HR Actions
HR Actions enable employees and managers to make changes to employee profile records.