UKG TeleStaff
UKG TeleStaff
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Organizational Levels
At the master company level, you are provided with four configurable business rules called organization levels that allow you to designate the structure of your component companies.
Accruals Overview
An accrual policy defines how and when balances associated with accrual codes are credited and debited.
Time Off Requests
Employees can submit requests to not work specific days. You can control what types of time they can request (vacation, sick, and so on), how they submit these requests (mobile, clock, and so on), and who needs to approve the requests.
Pay Type
Pay codes, also known as earning codes, identify categories in which employees can record their worked and non-worked time.
Tasks and Responsibilities
Many organizations have several employee types who will perform different tasks in the system.
Accrual Types and Balances
An accrual type is a benefit, granted as time off or as a money amount, with a balance that must be tracked for individual employees according to your organizational policies.
Schedule Rules, Constraints, and Violations
Schedule rules are guidelines that organizations must enforce or monitor in the schedule. They are typically determined by organizational policies; union rules; national, state, or local regulations; or regulatory board guidelines.
Shift Patterns
A shift pattern is a collection of recurring shifts that frequently apply to one or more employees. Shift patterns can easily be assigned to employees, making it easier for managers to create schedules.
Accrual Rules
An accrual profile is a collection of accrual policies that determine an employee’s accrual balances. Accrual profiles let you assign one or more accrual policies to employees.
Shift Swaps or Shift Trades
A shift swap, sometimes called a shift trade, is a scheduling action that occurs when two employees exchange their scheduled shifts.
Leave of Absence Overview
Organizations typically have rules and policies in place that govern the way employees are allowed to take leave of absence.
A shift is a specific span of time that an individual employee works or is scheduled to work. A shift includes start and stop times and could include any breaks.