Schedule Engines
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A schedule engine is the system tool that automates all or part of the scheduling process.
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A schedule engine is the system tool that automates all or part of the scheduling process.
Coverage refers to the amount and type(s) of employees required in a specific location and time to accomplish the anticipated workload.
Staffing refers to tasks related to maintaining work coverage during the current schedule period, especially in the current 24-hour period (Today/Tomorrow).
When employees call out sick, or an unexpected need to cover extra shifts comes up in the schedule, managers and staffing officers need to identify and contact available employees quickly.
Schedule rules are guidelines that organizations must enforce or monitor in the schedule. They are typically determined by organizational policies; union rules; national, state, or local regulations; or regulatory board guidelines.
A cover request is a type of employee scheduling request that allows an employee to ask another employee to work their shift for them, without trading shifts.
When organizations use schedule rules to monitor compliance with scheduling policies and practices, each rule has a severity level that determines the rule’s importance.