UKG Pro Full Suite
UKG Pro and UKG Pro WFM (UKG Dimensions)
UKG Pro Full Suite
UKG Pro and UKG Pro WFM (UKG Dimensions)
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Primary and Component Companies
Taxes are calculated based on locations. A location is the physical location where the employee works, which determines the worked-in state/province income tax and/or local income tax.
Introduction to Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is a period when employees choose their benefit options, ensuring coverage for themselves and their families.
Business Rules
Business rules can be thought of as required instructions for a system to accurately process information.
A job can have defined attributes or describe a specific role.
Tax Locations
Taxes are calculated based on locations. A location is the physical location where the employee works, which determines the worked-in state/province income tax and/or local income tax.
Organizational Levels
At the master company level, you are provided with four configurable business rules called organization levels that allow you to designate the structure of your component companies.
Pay Groups
Pay groups are assigned to a set of employees and define how they are paid. Pay groups determine pay frequency, pay schedule, and processing steps.
SMART goals are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and timely.
Accruals Overview
An accrual policy defines how and when balances associated with accrual codes are credited and debited.
Deductions Overview
A deduction is a monetary amount subtracted from an employee’s taxable income that reduces the amount paid on a pay statement.
Earnings Overview
Earnings identify different types of employee compensation for services provided. Earnings can also include specific parameters such as accounting rules, tax laws, and reporting requirements.
Life Cycle of a Schedule/Scheduling Process
Organizations might follow different processes to build and maintain employee work schedules, depending on their specific business needs.