Deductions Overview
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A deduction is a monetary amount subtracted from an employee’s taxable income that reduces the amount paid on a pay statement.
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A deduction is a monetary amount subtracted from an employee’s taxable income that reduces the amount paid on a pay statement.
Taxes are calculated based on locations. A location is the physical location where the employee works, which determines the worked-in state/province income tax and/or local income tax.
Business rules can be thought of as required instructions for a system to accurately process information.
A job can have defined attributes or describe a specific role.
Taxes are calculated based on locations. A location is the physical location where the employee works, which determines the worked-in state/province income tax and/or local income tax.
Organizations might follow different processes to build and maintain employee work schedules, depending on their specific business needs.
Pay groups are assigned to a set of employees and define how they are paid. Pay groups determine pay frequency, pay schedule, and processing steps.